Trainings, workshops and webinars

Training: The Science Behind The Kanban Board

Following rules without understanding why has never made anyone enthusiastic! 

A bit of science, a bit of theory and a bit of playful exercises will give you the knowledge you need to improve your Value Delivery!

In this 1 day-training, we dive into the science that makes Lean Software Development work and how you can take an approaches that make sense in your environment. 

Join together with your team to find answers to questions like: 

Send an e-mail to learn more and book a training!

Workshop: Let's Craft a Good Strategy!

This strategy workshop is inspired by Richard Rumelt's book Good Strategy Bad Strategy.

Your leadership team will have plenty to dive into! 

Throughout this process, you can focus on building your strategy. The facilitation and progress of the structured conversation will be guided by the facilitator. 

The workshop will be designed in collaboration with you, taking into account your  unique circumstances.

Send an e-mail and let's collaborate!

Free Webinar: From Feature Factory to Platform Success

Feature factory.

Boggled down with requests from internal teams and stakeholders.

If you recognise this scenario and want to do something about it, this is the webinar for you!

In this webinar, Behnosh Esni, Leadership Advisor and former Platform organisation Leader at Spotify will share the story of strategies that worked and those that didn't, a journey from pitfalls to success, from bottleneck to impactful partner for internal teams.

She will share steps for you to take to succeed.

Get inspired on your own journey towards Platform Success!

Link to the webinar!

Let's Chat!
